Auditing & Assurance Services
An annual audit can sometimes feel like an expensive and time consuming task, which can benefit the statutory authorities. It is a compulsory cost required by the laws and regulations which has no direct reflection
on the returns. However, we aim to offer kind of business advice that could help you to run your company efficiently and cost-effectively, ensuring that reporting requirements are met as painlessly as possible.
Our endeavor is to provide qualitative and expert professional services recognizing the client as our most important asset and valuing their time while fulfilling their needs.
Our Audit and Assurance Services include :
- Statutory Audit of listed and unlisted companies under the Companies Act, 2013
- Tax Audit under Income Tax Act, 1961 of various entities such as companies, Partnership Firms, LLPs, Proprietorship Firms etc.
- Audit of business entities under VAT laws of various states
- Transfer Pricing Audit
- Audit of Banks under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
- Audit of non-profit organizations (charitable organizations) under the Public Trust Act and under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010
- Statutory Audit of Co-operative Societies
- Critical evaluation of internal controls, internal systems and internal processes in organizations and recommending areas for improvement
- System audits encompassing review of physical, financial and access controls, adequacy of back-up procedures implemented by organizations, stress testing of systems etc.
- Performing Limited Review as per SEBI / StockExchanges Requirements
- Fraud Investigation Audit
- Concurrent and Income & Expenditure audit